Sunday, March 7, 2010

Ole' Fleabag

Today we started the day behind two coyotes as we drove in, always a good sign that at least something was awake and moving. By mid-day, I had seen my first dog, well maybe not the whole thing, but at least I did see a head sticking out of OK' (to the left of burrow marker OK), and that gave me something to do...i.e set up 6 traps around where the head appeared. I then lounged in my tower until I noticed Flea boy from last year emerge, 35. His marker definitely needed some love, but he's one of the older guys in the colony (being at least 5 years old), and as of last year the most popular with the insects; he had to be vacuumed when we tried to do his flea count. Most dogs have more fleas than usual when they wake up from hibernation, somewhere in the context of 10-15, he had hundreds. Ewwwww.
35 was my last excitement for the day, and we left a few hours after his emergence, and after finishing up on the burrow markers. I ran home, which is always a good choice when there's enough light, as the scenery is amazing.

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