Monday, March 8, 2010

I thought the ridge was busy..

Today was the first day of a series of days off, since we're starting off slow at the moment, so Bowser took the first one. Myself, not feeling the need for one yet, so will probably skip the offer. Shortly in to today, I spotted one of my favs from last year, 30. His marker wasn't looking so hot, but that's easily fixable, as I installed 12 traps around his burrow of emergence. Shortly thereafter, I observed what I think was 2 up the hill, although he was completely devoid of a marker, and therefore it was just a guess.
As I was observing the dogs to my right (note the absence of dogs on the ridge), Amy had a dog that she had set traps for teasing her by popping up and down repeatedly, and Wilbur caught the first dog of the year...number 36, one of the big studs from last year. He weighed 1135 grams with the bag, which equates to approximately 1005 without it; translation being he's a big boy, even after not eating for five months.
Shortly after 36 was marked, it sort of turned out to be blob 6, we left..I ran home, a decision I somewhat regretted, as the wind was painfully cold.

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