Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wile E. Coyote

Lasagna is what got me through the day. It wasn't in my hands or even my mouth yet, but I knew it was coming. John's wife Judy is an amazing cook, as I found out yesterday when she made sourdough bread from scratch. It was good that I had something to focus my attention on today, as it was an otherwise slow day. I was waiting in anticipation (desperation?) for the dogs to do something other than eat. The exciting part of their day was sniffing each other, with a kiss thrown in for mental stimulation.
As the day was creaking to a close, I happened to look at the lake in front of my tower, and then did a double take. A coyote (this one reminded me of Wile E. Coyote in the intelligence department) was walking across the frozen lake. I use 'frozen' in the loosest sense of the word, as the edges are currently thawed to water, and the rest was just barely passable as solid; less than a week ago it was open water. I watched in fascinated concern as the coyote nonchalantly crossed the widest, and presumably the deepest, part of the lake unscathed...and then packed up to go back to the trailer. Lasagna!!

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