I strongly dislike badgers; while they might not always kill my dogs, every time they come into my area there's widespread panic. Dogs go down, come up, go back down, and then everyone stays up later to catch up for lost time (once the badger's gone), making for late nights and grouchy researchers. Its the flying predators I don't mind so much; there's not nearly as much blind panic, the dogs are much more philosophical about them, simply retiring to a mound instead of frantically alarm calling while simultaneously running. With that said, I felt bad for a golden eagle today, very likely the same one that nearly got RR2 a few weeks ago.
He had grabbed himself a gs, and was settling in to eat it near the barn when two Swainson's Hawks descended on him. He immediately hunched over his kill, seemingly to shield it from prying eyes, although those same eyes had already spotted the bloody morsel beneath his talons. The Swainsons swooped and dove, but eventually gave up, as the eagle was not about to be intimidated. As soon as they left, he happily continued to yank pieces (i.e. legs) off his prize.
Aside from the regularly carnivorous minded predators, I'm concerned that 2 has decided to explore like possibilities..he has been acting suspicious around HBS's burrow. She appears to have given birth, and 2, who copulated with her, has been showing more than a fatherly interest in the proceedings. He's been visiting the kids more than either I or HBS see fit....
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