It turns out that abscess butt lives right by my tower; as I see her (she's quite fat and worrisome about others coming too near a particular burrow) often, I came up with some other possibilities for her name. They are as follows: 'fester butt', 'icky butt', 'bloody butt', and my personal fav 'pus butt'. Everyone else also liked 'pus butt', so that's what she'll be known as from now on..
Today the unexpected happened, which is to say that we caught WJun! As I was looking over at the surround, I saw something moving, and desperately hoping it wasn't just a really large gs, I told the others. John granted me permission to check it out, and at 11:30 this am we caught the elusive WJun. As we weren't able to immediately mark her, she got to hang out with me in my tower until Jane was able to come over to take her for her beautification. While we were waiting for that to happen, I took some pics of her..so cute.
While I was enjoying WJun's company, 29 was worried about his friend, and was wandering aimlessly around the territory. I felt a little bad, but now awful, as I knew she'd be back soon.
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