Today was John's day off. Due to the warm weather, we left at 7 AM to get in out towers by 7:35. John left us with instructions to call us whenever in doubt, and less than an hour into the day, I found myself dialing his number. My news: a new dog!! I first mistook her for a shadow, and then realized the 'shadow' was moving; upon closer examination, I saw that she is Front legs Back Stripe....also known as FBS. Super exciting!! As thrilled as I was about her, I did manage to mistake her for a cow patty later in the day, due to her *ahem* unique coloring scheme, and her quickly formed habit of laying on her stomach...which I call the 'pd pancake'. She blended in just enough to appear as a slightly humped poop pie.....
There was a bit of a disagreement when bedtime arose. As everyone else has been up for at least a month, burrows have been claimed, territories announced, and problems solved. FBS, still dazed from hibernation, toddled her way over to VA, which happens to be RR2's very well padded (due to frequent trips of gathering nest material) spot. She went in somewhat early in the evening, and had probably just found the best spot when RR2 decided to turn in for the night. I should add that she is extremely pregnant at this very moment, and her usual jovial (note the extreme sarcasm) mood has soured even more to the point that she attacked a sage bush yesterday...Needless to say, approximately 1.5 nanoseconds after she went down, FBS shot out of the burrow somewhat more disheveled than when she entered, and went off to claim other sleeping quarters...
Later on in the day, I was able to witness a flawless rendition of a duck quacking by Ariel. I plan on getting a recording up as soon as possible, as it sounds extremely realistic, and possibly ill.
So went our day, and as the letter to John indicates, we had a van load of elderly visitors that thought Erica and her tower were the most inters ting part of the park....fun day:)
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