Today was somewhat slow as far as days go; the boys griped at each other, the girls were stuffing their faces, and no one thought about getting with anyone else; in other words, no one was 'hot' today. You gotta have at least a few of those days though, so it was fine. My girls ended up going to bed fairly early at 4:30, quickly followed by the boys. This gave me almost two hours to enjoy in solitude while everyone else's dogs chased girls and fought amongst themselves. I decided to take some sky pictures, since the clouds were amazing..
After amusing myself with the sky, I still had some time, so I asked John if he needed any help with anything at days end. He responded by asking me if I could see interactions okay behind my tower. I told him not really for burrows XF, ZQ, and XN, due to the grass. He told me I could go ahead and get down to stomp the grass down. Five minutes into fruitless stomping, I realized two things: I probably looked like some four year old having a tantrum as I literally jumped up and down, and prairie grass does not 'stomp'. Especially dried out straw-like prairie grass. I needed to see the dogs, so I resorted to weeding prairie grass. I had another revelation as I did this as well: what looks like just a few patches of grass from a tower is an entire field at ground level; a wispy, prickly, get in-your-eye field of splintery grass. I made it through ten minutes of snapping/bending before John asked me if I was almost done. I stood up from where I had been face level with several weeds, and spun in a helpless circle. Glancing at Erica, (who'd come to stare at my antics) I said as evenly as I could: "Well, there's a lot of grass". That struck everyone as funny, but I knew I'd be out pulling for a few more days..
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