Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ravens are in Charge

Today started with Wilbur catching 10gs, which let me see how nice his marker turned out..which is always good. Soon after, I was somewhat bored, and lazily watched a Raven chase a much swifter Prairie Falcon out of the coveted 'bird tree' (it's the only really good perching tree for miles, and it's conveniently located over a pd colony for the raptors) three times. The Raven was either as bored as I was, or just being a pest..I vote pest. Shortly after the avian dispute, Wilbur caught an unmarked gs at his tower, and I noted that they seemed to be viewing the traps as free lunch..they get to eat yummy molasses oats, we might take them to a car here and there, but they'd always get released after a short stay in jail, and then be free to repeat their indescritions with the several other traps spread around. They might not be as stupid as originally thought...
We marked the unmarked guy, turning him into 6gs, the event being completely without comment, which is always a relief, and we went home soon after she and I were done.

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