The badger stopped by four times today...count them..four. Arg. Fortunately, he failed to get anyone, but as a result of his frequency through the area, I spent most of the day nervously looking in the sage for his all too familiar striped face. I've decided to nick name him PITA, although his actual name is Brutus.
In between Brutus dropping by, I watched a bumble bee bother 2, buzzing around his head as he dozed in his slug pose, although he's starting to get fatter, so he looks more like a lumpy bean bag. As 2 was dozing, I watched a gs get nailed by a hawk, during which everyone ran around in panic--all except 2, who barely glanced up, and only to reach back and scratch his butt, which is getting harder for him to effectively reach. After the excitement with the hawk, RR2 and FBS created some of their own. FBS wanted to play, and RR2 was SO NOT interested. She tried batting her off a few times, biting at her, and even running away from her advances. When that all failed, she lunged at her, and they both fell sideways through a sage bush. FBS leaped back up ready for more, but stopped when RR2 staggered up, and essentially felled her with a look. Hilarious.